The Mothers’ Union in Connor Diocese operates as a four Unit system.
Action and Outreach Unit
This is a wide-ranging and varied Unit which aims to support families and family life through its three main areas of focus. Worldwide, Projects (both home and overseas); Young Members (focusing on meeting the needs of younger families both in MU and the wider parishes of the diocese).
The Unit has an appointed Vice President, a Co-ordinator, a Projects Contact, a Worldwide Contact and a Young Members’ Contact.
Faith and Policy Unit
The MU is underpinned by prayer and through this Unit, members are encouraged to use the prayer platforms available. The Unit supplies worship resources and also help to plan worship events to encourage members’ personal faith development.
The Unit consists of an appointed Vice President, a Co-ordinator, a Social Policy Contact (who has the responsibility for raising awareness on chosen social issues), an Indoor Members Contact (responsible for the members not able to attend branch meetings) and the Prayer Contact (who sends prayer requests from members for family/friends going through times of illness, stress and other issues to a prayer chain of MU members.
Finance and Administration Unit
This Unit is responsible for the administration and financial dealing of the Charity within the framework of the MU Constitution in Ireland and under the legislation of Charity Commission for Northern Ireland.
This Unit comprises of an appointed Vice President, a Co-ordinator, Diocesan Secretary and Diocesan Treasurer.
Fundraising and Communication Unit
Fundraising is an important aspect of MU to finance projects both local and overseas. The Enterprises section raises funds through the sale of a large selection of merchandise which includes calendars, cards and gifts.
Communication is through the distribution of various MU publications. Information comes from MU Headquarters, Mary Sumner House, and All Ireland. Diocesan news is through the twice-yearly newsletter In Touch, Facebook, website and local newspapers.
The Unit is made up of an appointed Vice President, a Co-ordinator, an In Touch Editor, PRO and two Enterprise Contacts.