Scamwise Update

Back in October 2019, our Young Members’ Committee hosted a Scamwise and Internet Safety morning at Dunsilly Hotel, Antrim which was a very informative morning. Sadly, even during these uncertain times, the Scammers are at their work again!
We would like to draw your attention to one very new scam. Over the past few week’s scammers have been going door to door in some areas claiming to be from a local church and collecting the relevant Free Will Offering (FWO) Envelopes. It is highly unlikely that this would be the case and we are advising any of our members, their families or friends who unexpectedly get a visitor claiming to be from their church not to hand over their FWO envelopes; instead contact your Rector or Parish Treasurer to clarify the situation and if necessary to also notify the PSNI. We have included some links to information which we hope will help you.
Remember if you can spot a scam, you can stop a scam!
Take care, stay safe and best wishes from the Connor Diocesan Mothers’ Union Young Members’ Committee x