Update from A&O Unit: Projects

Dear Branch Leaders
On behalf of the Action and Outreach Unit could I please bring to your attention that our local hospitals are still accepting wash bags, lap blankets for the Renal Unit at Antrim Area Hospital and trauma teddies for the children. There is an urgent need for the wash bags; as you can appreciate patients with Covid are in real need of these, as are many patients admitted at this time as they are very much on their own in the hospital during the Pandemic.
Another new project is that of the Covid Hearts which are knit in pairs sealed in a food bag and dated, please also add an MU logo or card. The hearts are given to patients suffering from Covid and the matching heart is given to a family member.
There are new protocols in place during Covid for delivery of items –
- Branches please select one person to make contact with Nursing Admin Team and organise a date and time for drop off, someone will come along and collect the items from the boot of the car.
- Please keep a note of items delivered and please forward your numbers to me.
Thank you to all of our members that are involved in our wonderful projects that help so many people in times of need. Take care and look forward to seeing you all in the near future when we can all meet together again.
Action and Outreach, Projects Contact