All Ireland Poetry Competition – Winner

Our final budding Wordsworth is  Valerie, Belfast Cathedral MU, with her winning poem entitled ‘DISLOCATION‘. Many congratulations to all those who took part and especially to Valerie, Moira and Margaret.


I walk unyielding pavements by the roads

past nature clipped, pruned, mown, confined

by hedges, fences, walls and wire

past soaring trees with tarmac round their roots

their seeds adrift on stony ground.

I think about a dark brown path

soft underfoot

that leads me up the hill through lush wild woods

the brackish ponds

the smell of green all round

the sun that spotlights curling ferns

through leafy gaps in beech and thorn

and then legs aching

breathing short

the top is reached,

the fallen tree its roots exposed,

the bench nearby

and there

the open country stretched away

and Strangford gleaming in the mist-filled light.

A car goes roaring past too fast

exhaust fumes linger, air is stale

I turn for home on dusty paths.

Valerie, Belfast Cathedral MU

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