New Year Greetings from our DP!

January 2021
Dear Fellow Members
A very belated happy and peaceful New Year to you all. Has a new year ever been as eagerly anticipated as 2021? Many of us would like to draw a line under 2020 and move on with our lives, hoping everything will now be so much better.
There have been much to worry us this past year – jobs, mental health, isolation, poverty. Some of us have also lost loved ones to Covid. The pandemic may be past its peak, but it has left quite a trail. At last, now that a number of vaccines are becoming available, we can be more optimistic. It will be great to meet in person and exchange hugs and handshakes again.
We have had to suspend our usual style of meetings for so long now, it will be wonderful to get back to some kind of normality. Our Festival Service is scheduled for 21st March at 3.30 pm in St Anne’s Cathedral and I hope to see many of you there. Before that, on Saturday 6th February there is a Zoom Breakfast hosted by All-Ireland Young Members with the theme “Rebuilding Hope and Confidence, Living with Covid 19”. This should be an interesting and informative morning.
I would like to thank all of you who have been keeping in touch in all sorts of creative ways. This is greatly appreciated. Thanks also to those of you who have been knitting baby garments and other items, filling washbags and supporting refuges.
I’m delighted that Valerie Ash has agreed to take on the position of Area Chair for East Connor. We still need an Enterprise Contact for the north of the diocese. Please let me know if you feel you could fulfil this role.
Items for In Touch should be sent to Geraldine Montgomery at by 19th March. We hope to have this ready for distribution by mid-April, along with the new publication “Connected” from MSH.
The next competition is to design a mascot/logo for our All-Ireland President’s walk for Mums in May. Details about this are available on the website.
The snowdrops are beginning to show in the garden – a sign of spring approaching and with it, better things.
Remember Not everything is locked down …
The sunrise is not locked down, Fresh air is not locked down,
Creativity is not locked down, Friendship is not locked down,
Prayer is not locked down, Hobbies are not locked down,
Hopes and dreams are not locked down, Kindness is not locked down,
Learning is not locked down, Conversation is not locked down,
Imagination is not locked down, Sunsets are not locked down,
Hopes are not locked down.
May you be safe, may you be happy, may you be well.
With my love
Sally x