Connor Mothers’ Union supports Women’s Aid

One of the many Mothers’ Union projects in Connor Diocese is AFIA (Away From It All), which provides short breaks for families who are experiencing difficulties. With travel restrictions in place for most of 2020 and as they look set to continue for most of 2021, we could not provide any AFIA experiences. The Connor Diocesan Mothers’ Union Trustees and Executive decided it was time to reimagine AFIA.
With our links to Women’s Aid ABCLN who work tirelessly in the community to help support struggling families, we decided to donate £1000 in fuel vouchers. Arlene from Women’s Aid said, “This will have a huge impact for those families who need our help the most at this time”. Women’s Aid was immediately able to help support families within their services in this very practical way. Sally, Diocesan President said, “We were delighted to be able to help in this way. We realise that many families are experiencing fuel poverty at this time and it has been good to be able to provide some practical help.”