Mid Connor 16 Days of Activism Prayer Breakfast
Mid Connor Area MU held a very successful prayer breakfast to mark 16 Days of Activism Against Gender Based Violence in St Patrick’s Church Hall in Ballymena on Saturday 25th November. The morning was organised by the Diocesan F&P Social Policy Contact Jacqui. Although their was no charge for the breakfast a retiring collection raised £300, which will be used for Mothers’ Union and Women’s Aid joint practical projects.
The Area Chair, Joyce started the event with a reflection and prayer before the members enjoyed their breakfast which had been generously sponsored by Lidl, Tesco and Sainbury’s stores in Ballymena.
The speaker was Arlene Creighton from Women’s Aid who gave a very passionate talk about the work of Women’s Aid and how the support of Mothers’ Union is vital to that work.
The morning finished with midday prayers led by the Diocesan President, Sally.
Our thanks to F&C Enterprise Rep for Mid & North Connor, Irene for providing and looking after the MU Enterprise stand, also the Rector and Select Vestry of St Patrick’s Parish Church, Ballymena for the use of their hall.