Summer wishes from our DP!
Dear Fellow Members
As I write this letter to you the recent Festival Service in St Anne’s Cathedral is still very much in my mind. It was a really uplifting experience and I would like to thank all who were involved in it – carrying banners, reading lessons, leading intercessions. Our All Ireland President June spoke very well, the music was excellent, and we all enjoyed the opportunity to catch up with friends. It was especially memorable for me as it was my last Festival Service as your Diocesan President.
I would like to draw your attention to a few events coming up. Thy Kingdom Come is running from 9-19 May. During this time, we are invited to pray for five people who do not know the Lord and invite one person to a Mothers’ Union event. Everyone should have received a booklet about this. I would also like to remind you about Connor Songs of Praise in All Saints’ Antrim on Sunday 19 May at 3.00pm. This is part of the Big Sing event which is raising money for our Mums in May Fund. Come and bring a friend! Our All Ireland Communion Service will also be held in All Saints’ Antrim on Thursday 6 June at 7.30pm.
Father’s Day is on 16 June. This is a time for families to come together, celebrate and reflect on the blessings of parental love and guidance. May this day be a reminder of the profound impact fathers have on our lives, and we praise God that his care and protection surround us like a father.
We are approaching election time, and I would urge you to bring before God all those whom he is calling to respond to leadership in the next triennium. There are many roles to fill at Worldwide, All Ireland and Diocesan level.
Many of you will be looking forward to a summer break and I hope that you will have an enjoyable time and return refreshed and ready for a new season of Mothers’ Union activity. The spring-like weather we have had recently seems to have gone again, but at least the rain is warmer! It has been lovely to see the gardens come into bloom again and rejoice in the beauty of nature. Remember as the poet Keats said, “A thing of beauty is a joy for ever.”
With my love
Sally x