Connor Big Sing 2024
Mothers’ Union members from all corners of Connor Diocese came to All Saints Parish church, Antrim on Sunday 19th May, raising their voices in a fundraising “Big Sing” for the Mums in May Fund.
This fund, which supports MU projects all over Ireland, is replenished every third year, and this year a series of “Big Sings” are being held , starting in St Canice’s Cathedral Kilkenny in March and finishing in St Patrick’s Ballymena on Saturday 16th November , so that the fund will remain healthy and continue to support projects such as Away from it All holidays, holiday lunch clubs, equipment for those moving out of Women’s Refuges and food and fuel vouchers for families struggling to make ends meet.
The All Ireland President, June attended the event in Antrim, as did the Bishop of Connor, the Rt Rev George Davison and his wife Nadine. The sermon was given by the All Ireland Mothers’ Union Chaplain and Vicar of All Saints, the Ven. Dr. Stephen McBride. The lessons were read by Cathy, Fundraising and Communications Unit Coordinator, and Alberta, Finance and Administration Unit Coordinator. The Diocesan President, Sally spoke about the importance of the Mums in May Fund in Ireland.
The hymns sung at each “Big Sing” were chosen by the members, and of course no Mothers’ Union event would be complete without a much needed cup of tea afterwards when everyone had the chance to catch up with friends old and new.